all postcodes in CM14 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM14 4AA 1 1 51.620399 0.303583
CM14 4AB 26 21 51.620737 0.304698
CM14 4AE 1 1 51.620768 0.304759
CM14 4AG 5 5 51.620196 0.304585
CM14 4AJ 15 12 51.620207 0.302808
CM14 4AL 23 0 51.619095 0.298562
CM14 4AN 18 16 51.619896 0.30126
CM14 4AP 46 18 51.61953 0.299263
CM14 4AR 25 0 51.619095 0.298562
CM14 4AS 1 1 51.619147 0.297698
CM14 4AT 22 0 51.618552 0.295515
CM14 4AW 1 1 51.619745 0.300532
CM14 4AX 9 6 51.619467 0.299751
CM14 4AZ 8 0 51.619558 0.300174
CM14 4BA 46 22 51.619184 0.300907
CM14 4BD 27 4 51.618152 0.301244
CM14 4BE 1 1 51.61834 0.301097
CM14 4BG 8 1 51.619283 0.300263
CM14 4BH 2 1 51.618052 0.302178
CM14 4BJ 16 3 51.619308 0.301433